Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Thank you for, 4 GREAT years!!!

It's a WRAP in 2013!!!

After 4 amazing years, networking, meeting & assisting awesome people & clients, we at Internet Marketing in a Box have made a decision to transition our clients to some wonderful & very skilled people that will continue what we started and take your business to yet another level. 

As the Founder and President, it is with mixed emotion we end an era to begin a new one.

We are very grateful to have shared so much and are grateful to have been such an integral part of your businesses! 

We trust you will be pleased with the various transitions and we commit to be available to support you until you are comfortable with the transition! 

The last four years was full of discovery, challenges, learning new and exciting industries and most of all connecting with so many AMAZING Entrepreneurs and Small Business owners in Colorado! 

Thank you for your candor & open doors to allow us into the most inner workings of your businesses, it was certainly a privilege!

We look forward to watching your business brands continue to grow and flourish! 

As we also look  forward to continuing working along side you in many of the community groups and non profit interests we share! 

We sincerely THANK YOU for your business, partnership & friendships!

With sincere appreciation,

Maria N. Thome & the Internet Marketing in a Box Team

Monday, November 5, 2012

Should your business become active in Facebook?

Should your business become active in Facebook?

To help you make an informed decision about your company’s Facebook strategy, Hubspot compiled these fantastic Facebook business stats.

1. 93% of adult US Internet users are on Facebook. (source: BlogHer, April 2011)
2. One out of every eight minutes online is spent on Facebook. (source: ComScore, February 2011)
3. The average Facebook user spends more than 11 hours per month on Facebook. (sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics, June 2010 & Facebook Press Room, 2011)
4. Facebook is overtaking Google and Yahoo in total time spent online. (source: ComScore, August 2011)
5. Facebook has become the top choice for social sign-in. (source: Janrain, April 2011)
6. Facebook has become the preferred way to share content online, second only to email—for now. (source: Chadwick Martin Bailey, September 2010)
7. The average number of “likes” per post on a brand’s Facebook page is 54. The average number of comments per post is 9. (source: Visibli, April 2011)
8. More than half of B2B marketers agree that Facebook is an effective marketing tool. (source: Outsell, December 2009)
9. More than half of small businesses agree that Facebook is beneficial to their business. (source: Ad-ology, November 2010)
10. More than 1/3 of marketers say Facebook is “critical” or “important” to their business. (source: HubSpot State of Inbound Marketing Report 2011)
11. The number of marketers who say Facebook is critical or important to their business has increased 83% in two years. (source: HubSpot State of Inbound Marketing Report 2011)
12. 67% of B2C and 41% of B2B companies that use Facebook for marketing have acquired a customer through this channel. (source: HubSpot State of Inbound Marketing Report 2011)

Information provided by: Internet Marketing in a Box

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Is Social Media Just a Time Suck for Small Business, Real Estate Agents & Mortgage Brokers?

Social media time management is an ever-evolving environment. New tools are coming out every day, and it can be hard to keep up. Furthermore, many of us, including myself, have wondered whether all the hard work will pay off. Bottom line: Leveraging social media correctly in conjunction with the rest of your marketing/business plan will increase your revenue; I saw my income increase exponentially! I will give you five tested tips and tools that will help you efficiently manage your social media.
But first just a few stats for those data-driven agents out there:
  • 50 percent of small-business owners reported getting new customers from social media. (CrowdSpring)
  • Nearly 80 percent of active Internet users visit social networks and blogs. (Nielsen)
  • 91 percent of online American adults (approx. 129 million) access some form of social media each month. (Experian)
  • According to an analysis of 4,200 companies by the business consulting giant McKinsey Global Institute, social technologies stand to unlock from $900 billion to $1.3 trillion in value.
Now, on to the goodies.

1) You must be an “iAgent” — and by that I mean, an agent of the Internet. Mobility is key. You need to be able to work from anywhere from your “virtual office.” Whether it be on your laptop, smartphone or tablet, you must be on one of them. The operating system is your choice: Droid or iPhone or Blackberry. All have App stores where you can find Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Foursquare, etc.
2) Dashboards. Having all your accounts in one place really is a time saver. I use HootSuite and simply love it! I manage many of my accounts from this one platform (desktop and mobile). There are also others out there like TweetDeck, CoTweet, and Seesmic.
Now, if a dashboard is too overwhelming, try connecting some of your accounts together. For instance, you can use Facebook Connect to connect your Twitter account to your Facebook profile so when you post to Facebook, your posts will feed automatically to your Twitter stream.
And vice versa, you can go into your Twitter account and connect your Facebook profile. INSIDER TIP: Create a personalized #hashtag so you can build an audience around a specific theme, event or discussion topic, and then add that stream to your dashboard.
3) Create a posts bin. It is a very simple tool that many agents don’t think about. When you come across good content to share, save it for later in the posts bin. So, if you have writer’s block or have been busy with customers, you will have ready-made content.
4) Integrate a social media daily checklist. Go here for a great one (and free) viaHubSpot to download and personalize. Simple, easy and efficient.
5) Take advantage of alerts apps and tools that go straight to your phone and/or email. Depending on your preference, set them up for daily or weekly timing. My favorites are TweetAlarm, TweetBeep, Facebook Page Weekly Insights Alerts, Repinly, Pinterest Weekly, and
I hope these tips and tools help you. No more time “suckage” for you and if you need a little help, email us for a free consultation.

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