Should your business become active in Facebook?
To help you make an informed decision about your company’s Facebook strategy, Hubspot compiled these fantastic Facebook business stats.
1. 93% of adult US Internet users are on Facebook. (source: BlogHer, April 2011)
2. One out of every eight minutes online is spent on Facebook. (source: ComScore, February 2011)
3. The average Facebook user spends more than 11 hours per month on Facebook. (sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics, June 2010 & Facebook Press Room, 2011)
4. Facebook is overtaking Google and Yahoo in total time spent online. (source: ComScore, August 2011)
5. Facebook has become the top choice for social sign-in. (source: Janrain, April 2011)
6. Facebook has become the preferred way to share content online, second only to email—for now. (source: Chadwick Martin Bailey, September 2010)
7. The average number of “likes” per post on a brand’s Facebook page is 54. The average number of comments per post is 9. (source: Visibli, April 2011)
8. More than half of B2B marketers agree that Facebook is an effective marketing tool. (source: Outsell, December 2009)
9. More than half of small businesses agree that Facebook is beneficial to their business. (source: Ad-ology, November 2010)
10. More than 1/3 of marketers say Facebook is “critical” or “important” to their business. (source: HubSpot State of Inbound Marketing Report 2011)
11. The number of marketers who say Facebook is critical or important to their business has increased 83% in two years. (source: HubSpot State of Inbound Marketing Report 2011)
12. 67% of B2C and 41% of B2B companies that use Facebook for marketing have acquired a customer through this channel. (source: HubSpot State of Inbound Marketing Report 2011)
Information provided by: Internet Marketing in a Box